Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pale Ale

Beer Name: Lefty's Pale Ale
Brewery: Lefty's Brewing Company
ABV: 6%
Serving method: 16-oz pint poured from a 22-oz bottle
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

Last time I tried this beer, it had been sitting open in Kathryn's fridge for a couple weeks (or months possibly), so it wasn't too spectacular. Or even drinkable. Seriously, I did my best to drink it, and managed like 3 sips. So obviously this isn't the type of beer that you can open, then not finish, and then let sit for an extended period of time. Having committed such a grievous beer atrocity, I felt that I owe it to Lefty to give his beer a real try.

This pale ale is lovely golden color with a thick head. The foam sticks around for an extended period of time, and it leaves a heavy lacing on the glass. The aroma is mostly hops (Cascade hops, if my nose is correct), and there is a slight hint of sweetness.

The taste come in two parts. There is a sweet flavor at the beginning, and then the hops finish with their standard bitter taste. The sweetness is similar to the sweet flavors I was getting from Lefty's Coffee Porter and English-Style Porter. I think that has to come from the malt being used. The beer is lightly carbonated, and finishes with a very mild bitterness.

Final thought - I want to like this beer, mostly because it's available within 10 minutes of Kathryn's house, but it's too sweet for me. Not too sweet for a beer, but too sweet for a pale ale. Just give me a bunch of hops and we'll be fine. Don't get crazy.


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