Sunday, October 24, 2010

Our Oatmeal Stout

Beer Name: Our Oatmeal Stout
Brewery: The People's Pint
ABV: 5.1%
Serving method: 16-oz pint poured from a 22-oz bottle
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

I am not sure whether to refer to this beer as "Our Oatmeal Stout" because that's what is says on the label, or "Their Oatmeal Stout" because saying "Our" makes it sound like it's my beer. It's sort of like that scene from The Simpsons where Bart is answering the question about who can prevent forest fires. That's a really old episode, so if you don't remember it, I'll let it slide. This time. I guess technically this specific bottle is mine, so henceforth, it will be "My Oatmeal Stout." Glad we cleared that up.

My Oatmeal Stout is dark. No light is making it through this beer. There is no head on it at all, which is probably why there wasn't any lacing. I am not sure if the beer is supposed to be like that or if my bottle was defective/old/out-of-date. I guess we'll have to wait for the tasting portion to find out. It smells like chocolate mostly, with a faint aroma of oats.

The first sip of the beer has the chocolate flavor I was expecting from the aroma. There is also a little bit of grain flavor, which I'm guessing is from the oatmeal. It's a very smooth beer with almost no carbonation. That's what I was expecting based on the lack of head, so maybe I know a little bit more about beer than I thought. There's a very light hint of hops at the back end, and a slight aftertaste of bitter chocolate.

Final thought - I enjoyed this beer. I don't think that it's my favorite stout, but I wouldn't mind having it again. Another quality brew from the fine folks at The People's Pint.


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