Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Beer Name: Hi.P.A
Brewery: Magic Hat
ABV: 6.7%
Serving method: 12-oz bottle poured into a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

Hi.P.A is one of Magic Hat's "IPA on Tour" beers, which has to mean something. I am not exactly sure what it means, but my guess is that they are doing a series of IPAs, and this is one of them. Based on the name, I am suspecting that it is a beer that is an IPA and high in alcohol. Also, that is based on the fact that it's packing a 6.7% ABV.

The beer is a pale orangey yellow, sort of like a light honey. It pours with a boatload of head that sticks around for a little while without overstaying its welcome. As it fades, it leaves a heavy lacing on the glass. There is a strong smell of hops here, and maybe something citrus.

Hi.P.A. tastes very hoppy. It's pretty much the defining flavor, which is what is supposed to happen with an India Pale Ale, so hooray! The beer starts a little sweet with that citrus I mentioned earlier, and then you get the hops and bitter finish. The aftertaste is mild and also pretty hoppy. It's like I'm eating hops!! As for carbonation, this fits into the light category with an overall smooth drinkability.

Final thought - I think this beer is great. I'm a big fan of hoppy beers now, and this one is high in the hop department. If you like IPAs and don't mind the bitter finish, this is a beer for you.


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