Thursday, October 20, 2011

Puffers Smoked Porter

Beer Name: Puffers Smoked Porter
Brewery: Amherst Brewing Company
ABV: 4.6%
Serving method: 16-oz draft in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

From one dark beer to another, I followed my stout with a porter. As a matter of fact, I believe that stouts and porters were originally the same style of beer. Or not, as there is a lot of disagreement on this particular issue. We can agree on one thing though, and that is the both styles are dark and heavy in the roasted aroma department.

Puffers Smoked Porter is a very dark beer, bordering on black. It arrived with no head, and didn't leave any lacing on the glass. The aroma here is extra chocolatey, with strong roasted malt notes.

The roasted flavor here is the dominant one. There's some coffee and chocolate, and lots of roasted malt. This beer has a much more mild finish than the stout did, without the bitter finish. The whole pint was very smooth and uncarbonated, making it super easy drinking. As the beer warms up, a nice sweetness enters into the flavor.

Final thought - For a fairly low ABV beer, this one has a lot of nice things going on. I think it will be one of my top ABC choices in the future.


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