Friday, November 19, 2010

Stone IPA

Beer Name: Stone IPA
Brewery: Stone Brewing Company
ABV: 6.9%
Serving method: 22-oz bottle in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

A bottle is (almost) always safer than a draft beer at a slightly suspicious restaurant. After a couple of beer-related setbacks in the past week or so, I remain optimistic about this next beer purely based on its aroma.

The Stone IPA is a cloudy golden beer with no head. Even without the benefit of a foamy cap, the beer still leaves a lacing ring around the glass. There's no mystery about the aroma here; hops and citrus all the way.

This beer is hoppy and bitter. There really isn't a whole lot else to mention. If you like hops and bitterness, then this is a beer for you. If you don't, then avoid this one. It finishes very dry, and it leaves a bitter aftertaste of hops in your mouth. There's a light amount of carbonation here as well, which makes it nicely drinkable. I was surprised to find out that it was a nearly 7% beer.

Final thought - The Stone IPA is a good one, and fits nicely in the same tier as the Celebration Ale. I would suggest that if you like one of them, you'd probably like the other, which makes sense since they're both from Cali. It's an enjoyable beer for the IPA drinker.



  1. Can you list your beer IBUs on Mmmmbeers? I think it would be helpful for people like me.

  2. I could try, but there might be some problems. IBU info is hard to find sometimes, and it's not an absolute scale. For instance, a high IBU stout beer won't taste very bitter even though a high IBU ale will. And then you will miss out on delicious beers just because of a stupid number.
