Sunday, July 10, 2011

90 Minute IPA

Beer Name: 90 Minute IPA
Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
ABV: 9%
Serving method: 12-oz bottle in a pilsner glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

Dogfish Head's 90 Minute IPA picks up where the 60 Minute leaves off, adding 30 more minutes of hop additions. I'm guessing that also adds some $$ to the price.

This is a copper colored beer that came with a good half inch head that gradually faded, leaving a nice lacing pattern behind. Obviously with all the hops used in the brewing process, they are the dominant aroma. It's not all hops however, as there are also some malt hints in the background.

90 Minute IPA packs quite the hop punch in its flavor. I started my bottle with the end of my meal, and it was a great beer to pair with the spicy food I was eating. Once I was finished eating, I still had about half of the bottle to go. At this point, the hoppiness was almost overwhelming. This is a very strong beer. There is a medium amount of carbonation, and the beer has a good amount of body in each sip. The finish has some sweetness and bitterness, and it lingers on in the aftertaste.

Final thought - As a beer to drink with a meal, this one is great. But as a beer to just sit back and drink a couple, I think I would go with the 60 Minute instead. The 90 is like a full-out tongue assault, and it seems to me that it needs a little food to balance it out.


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