Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hibernation Ale

Beer Name: Hibernation Ale
Brewery: Great Divide Brewing Company
ABV: 8.7%
Serving method: 12-oz draft in a pentagonal glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

This beer is classified as an "old ale," and usually that would mean that you would learn something new about beer. But not today, because I'm feeling lazy. Let's leave it at old ales are generally pretty malty and probably not that old.

Hibernation Ale is a clear ruby-amber colored beer with a slow fading half inch head. It's a pretty thick head that leaves a moderately heavy lacing on the glass. The aroma is a combination of sweet malt and some hops. If the beer is half as good as it smells, it's going to be great.

And it is! This beer is delicious! The flavor starts off with a sweetness and coffee, and then moves into the hops that are expected from the aroma. It's a very tasty mix. The beer has a medium carbonation, and it finishes clean without an aftertaste or the dryness that is usually associated with hoppy brews.

Final thought - Add Great Divide to the list of places that I'll be trying more beers from. This one was great. It's too bad that I am only finding out about it now, because I have to assume the winter beers are on their way out and the spring ones are coming in. How sad.


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