Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cappuccino Stout

Beer Name: Cappuccino Stout
Brewery: Lagunitas Brewing Company
ABV: 8.8% or 9.2%
Serving method: 22-oz bottle in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

And yet again I must deal with one of my beer pet peeves: company's that have one ABV on their bottles and a different one on their website. How am I supposed to gauge how intoxicated I should be feeling if I can't get a straight answer?

Lagunitas (which is incredibly fun to say with a heavy Spanish accent) Cappuccino Stout is a semi-transparant dark brown with some ruby coloring. Think of a slightly reddish cola. It had almost no head and even that little bit disappeared almost instantly. There also is not much lacing. The beer's aroma is malt and coffee, but the coffee smells slightly artificial. As the beer warms, the smell becomes quite delicious.

This beer has an intensely bitter coffee presence. It dominates the other flavor, which is a little bit of sweet malt. It's almost like they are having a battle on my tongue, which doesn't seem like a good thing. Other than that, the beer is very lightly carbonated, which makes it pretty smooth. The aftertaste is similar to drinking a cup of coffee.

Final thought - With all the other coffee stouts and porters that I've tried, I have a pretty high standard for this style. Sadly, this beer doesn't stack up. The coffee flavor is too bitter and it masks the other tastes I'm expecting in a stout.


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