Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pied pIPA

Beer Name: Pied pIPA
Brewery: The People's Pint
ABV: 5.7%
Serving method: 16-oz pint
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

Haha, get it? It's pIPA because the beer is an IPA, so it's a hilarious play on words.

The People's Pint is right around the corner from Kathryn, but somehow I have not tried any of their beers yet. This is about to change.

This beer pours a golden orange color with a small amount of head on top. If you like that sort of thing, you'll probably be happy to know that it sticks around for a good amount of time and then leaves a nice lacing on the glass. Kathryn asked me what lacing meant, and I just made some stuff up that might have been right, but wasn't. It turns out that head retention and lacing means that the beer was brewed well and also that your glass is clean. So that's good. From now on, I'll know that lacing is a good thing.

From the first sniff, you can tell that this is going to be a hoppy beer. It also smells like it's going to be delicious. I have found you can tell a lot about a beer by its smell. For instance, you can tell that Bud Light is going to taste like watery crap because it smells like watery crap. I had very high expectations for this beer from its aroma.

Just like the scent, the beer taste very hoppy as well. It's got a light carbonation, and a flavor I can't quite pick up on at the beginning. It's only there for a second, and then it's all hops and a nice, bitter finish. Good stuff.

Final thought - Pied pIPA was great, and went perfectly with my burger. It smelled good, looked good and tasted good. I will be keeping an eye out for it in the future, and definitely recommend trying it.


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