Sunday, March 6, 2011

Drayman's Porter

Beer Name: Drayman's Porter
Brewery: Berkshire Brewing Company
ABV: 6.2%
Serving method: 16-oz draught in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

Drayman's Porter is the beer that BBC uses for their Coffeehouse Porter, except that they don't normally include the addition of Dean's Beans coffee during the brewing process. Since the Coffeehouse Porter is pretty awesome, I am expecting good things from this beer.

Drayman's Porter is a very dark beer with ruby highlights at the edges. It poured with a thin head with surprisingly long retention. As I drank, the beer left a very detailed lacing on the glass, like an elaborate spider web. It was difficult to pick out any specific aromas, as they all were fairly faint. I think that maybe there was some roasted malt smell in there.

This beer has a great flavor. It's taste is roasty malt and no noticeable hops. In the finish, I also got a little bit of sweetness as caramel or toffee. There isn't much carbonation in this beer, and that works well with the style and flavor. I think any major carbonation would ruin the taste. This beer has a mildly roasted aftertaste, and it feels very thick as you drink it. It's like a meal!

Final thought - This beer is a definite keeper. It gives me a warm feeling inside when I drink it. It's a highly drinkable beer that I could enjoy quite a few of, provided I also had a ride home. Or was already on my own couch. Good stuff.


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