Friday, May 20, 2011


Beer Name: Yeti Imperial Stout
Brewery: Great Divide Brewing Company
ABV: 9.5%
Serving method: 22-oz bottle in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Bottled 3/18/11

Yup, it's another stout. I have been drinking a lot of these this year, and there's a very good reason for that. Stouts just happen to be my current favorite beer style. After a day of doing all sorts of non-productive things, a good stout is a great way to kick back and relax.

The Yeti Imperial Stout is supposedly "untamed" and "imposing," or so the label would have me believe. This is another extremely dark beer. It's so dark, in fact, that there aren't even visible highlights at the edges of the glass when it's held up to a light. That is dark. It poured with a quickly fading head that still left a heavy lacing behind. There is a normal stout aroma (roasted malts and chocolate), but there's also a little bit of fruitiness in there.

This seems like a pretty complex beer. There's a sweetness at the beginning of each sip, mostly chocolatey, but then there's some bitterness and a strong roasted finish. Despite the high ABV, the alcohol does not have a strong presence, which is just the way I like it. At first, the beer seemed a bit strong for my liking, but with each sip, I like it a little more. I guess it was imposing after all. It's got a bit of carbonation, but not too much for the style. Aftertaste is a little bitter.

Final thought - This is a nice stout, but it has to be a sipper. It's a little deceptive, because the first sip is a somewhat intimidating, even though the beer is very enjoyable. Don't be frightened off; it's a good stout for a cool night.


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