Friday, May 27, 2011

Chocolate Stout

Beer Name: Chocolate Stout
Brewery: Rogue Brewery
ABV: 6%
Serving method: 22-oz bottle in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

What a week! Not really, but I haven't had a new beer in 7 days. That's just too long.

Rogue's Chocolate Stout is a very dark beer, but not quite black. There was about half an inch of head when it poured, but it quickly faded except for a thin layer that remained for most of the glass. There was a heavy lacing pattern left behind. This beer smells like dessert! Sweet and malty chocolate is the main aroma, but there is a little bit of coffee and maybe fruitiness in the background.

There is not nearly as much chocolate in the taste as the aroma led me to expect. I feel as though I've been deceived. Each sip has some sweetness at the front, but there's a major coffee bitterness at the finish. It's also a little dry at the end. Fairly carbonated for a stout, this beer is still easily drinkable with a very thick mouthfeel. I'm not a huge fan of the aftertaste though. The bitterness hangs on a little too long at the beginning of the pint. However, I will say that after a few minutes, everything sort of mellows together.

Final thought - This would be a very good beer as a stout, but it's not quite chocolatey enough to be a chocolate stout. Apart from the bite at the beginning, this was a very enjoyable bottle.


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