Friday, December 3, 2010

Cabin Fever

Beer Name: Cabin Fever Ale
Brewery: Berkshire Brewing Company
ABV: 6.3%
Serving method: 22-oz bottle in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown, best by 4/21/11

Wow, this beer is either really fresh, or lasts a really long time. April!?

I have been out of the beer game recently, which is sad. In actuality, I have been drinking lots of crappy beer, but Bud Light doesn't qualify for a place here since there's nothing "mmmm" about it. And also because a lot of it ended up making its way back out of my stomach by the same route it went in. Oops.

I am pretty sure that I've reviewed Cabin Fever before. In fact, I'm sure of it. But who cares? That was a long time ago, at a restaurant that no longer exists in that location. And it wasn't covered at this particular branch of the Mmmm [nouns] franchise. So let's revisit this tasty brew.

Cabin Fever Ale apparently fits into the "winter warmer" category. It's a copper ale with a mild head and a serious lacing pattern. It's like artwork. There's a malty aroma with a little bit of spicy hop.

As for the taste, it's more malty than hoppy. There's sweetness and grains, and a bunch of spices in the background. I am not feeling a whole lot of carbonation, and there's no bitterness. The aftertaste is a little sweet as well. If you don't like hops, you might like this beer, as they are very difficult to find here.

Final thought - Just like I thought last time I had it, this beer is delicious. I prefer it strongly to the other winter warmer I've had this season, although this was doesn't taste as much like Christmas. I suppose that if I were snowed in with a few growlers of this, things would be ok and I would not, in fact, suffer from Cabin Fever.


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