Friday, January 14, 2011

Russian Imperial Stout

Beer Name: Russian Imperial Stout
Brewery: Berkshire Brewing Company
ABV: 8.5%
Serving method: 22-oz bottle in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

It would seem that I am only going to drink dark beers this year. Actually it's more that porters and stouts feel more like "winter" beers than light lagers and pale ales. I probably won't be drinking tons of dark stuff once it warms up outside, which based on this morning's temperature of -4°F will be sometime around June.

BBC's Russian Imperial Stout claims it will "transport you to the time of the czars," so if I disappear in the immediate future, that's where I am. This is a very dark beer with a hint of ruby coloring at the edges. It pours with almost no head and very little lacing. Like many stouts, it has an aroma of coffee and chocolate and seems a little sweeter than most others.

Ok, now this is a smooth beer. Maybe almost too smooth. It's almost not even beery. There's a lot of sweet roasted malt flavor in here along with the expected chocolate and coffee flavors. The beer isn't very carbonated, which contributes to the smoothness. It leaves a very sweet lingering aftertaste.

Final thought - This beer needs a little more carbonation and a little less sweetness. It's very tasty, but its aftertaste is a little too much. I can think of a few other stouts that I'd prefer.


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