Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Beer Name: Fogbuster Coffee House Ale
Brewery: Paper City Brewing Co.
ABV: 8.5%
Serving method: 22-oz bottle in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

Happy New Year! My resolution is to try at least 100 new beers this year. Or re-try beers that haven't been featured here yet. Let's get to it.

As I may have mentioned before, Paper City's Fogbuster is a strong contender for my favorite beer at multiple brewers' festivals. And yes, I realize how lazy that link is, but I didn't feel like finding the specific examples. You should be thankful that I at least narrowed it down to the beer posts for you.

Fogbuster is another seriously dark beer, with a deep black color with a slight hint of dark brown. So it's opaque, obviously. There is a light head that recedes slowly but doesn't leave very much lacing behind. As expected, the aroma is dominated by coffee, although there is also a bit of roasted malt as well.

"?{p;.lo <--- That is Odin's opinion of the beer. I am not sure what that is based on, since he didn't even have any. He's also a horrendous typer.

The beer is actually a little more bitter than I was expecting, especially since I've had it before. The coffee flavor is at the front of each sip, and there is a sweet chocolately malt flavor in there as well. At the finish, it has some dryness, which I don't really like. There is a bit of carbonation here, and there's a mildly sweet aftertaste.

Final thought - I actually prefer this beer on draft, where I find that it has less of a bitter bite. However, it's still good enough to be glad I got the bottle. I hope that the next time I have it will be at the Paper City brewery, since it's right nearby.


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