Sunday, August 29, 2010


It seems that Mmmm, Opinions was starting to get slightly overrun by beer-related posts, so in an effort to please my readers (or because they peer pressured me into doing it), I decided that it's time yet again to launch a new site. As you may have noticed, this place will be completely dedicated to the pursuit of delicious beer. However, you may not have noticed (assuming you're a regular reader of my nonsense) that the majority of burgers I've eaten have gotten positive reviews. That ends here.

I am hypercritical of beer. We should get that out of the way now. I don't want anyone to be surprised later if I get a little mean.

That being said, I will try to avoid outright trashing beer, except for one glaring example that anyone who knows me can already guess. I think things will be a lot nicer here if I try to stay upbeat about whatever I'm drinking. I mean, if I've paid for it, I might as well try to get some enjoyment out of it. Or at least get drunk.

As of now, I haven't decided on a ratings system. I definitely don't want to use a grade system like schools, and I don't want to try to do something numerical. That would get so confusing after a few beers, because I would have to try to compare every beer to everything else I've ever drunk. That just feels scary. I think I will probably just end up giving a general statement at the end about how enjoyable the beer experience was. Well, for the parts I remember anyway.

Where applicable, I will also give the relevant details about how the beer was served and location info and such. From what I've been told, that is important stuff.

Oh! I drink a lot more beer than I eat burgers. So you can expect this site to quickly overtake Mmmm, Burgers in terms of post quantity. Mark my words: within 18 months, there will be more posts here than there.




  1. I vote for the rating based on the number of 12-oz bottles you think you could drink consecutively of each variety before you throw up, pass out or just plain get sick of them.

  2. That will definitely not be the rating system. I feel that it would unfairly punish beers with high ABV, as I would certainly be more likely to pass out early.

    Maybe the rating will be based on how many Odin and Chloe can drink as a team.
