Friday, December 17, 2010

Chocolate Oatmeal Stout

Beer Name: Lefty's Chocolate Oatmeal Stout
Brewery: Lefty's Brewing Company
ABV: 7.2%
Serving method: 22-oz bottle in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown for sure, but sometime around 12/6

I have been looking for this beer ever since Mmmm, beers! launched and I found out that Lefty's was right up the street from Kathryn. Well, that search has finally concluded. Also, the confusion about the date up there is because Lefty's mentioned something on that particular date about Chocolate Oatmeal Stout on their Facebook page. I am not sure how exact it is though.

As a stout, this is another dark beer, but it's a deep brown with hints of red as opposed to the almost blackness of the last milk stout. Like the other dark beers I've gotten from Lefty's, there wasn't very much head or lacing. The smell was sweet roasted coffee at first, and then a strong chocolate smell after a minute or 2.

The Chocolate Oatmeal Stout doesn't taste as heavy as most other stouts. It's very smooth, with roasted chocolate as the main flavor. The beer also has a little bit of a burnt coffee taste. That sounds like it would be bad, but in beer that's not a problem. It's very malty, and there's a little bit of hop flavor to balance things out at the end. There's just a little bit of carbonation, and a slightly sweet aftertaste.

Final thought - After the way my brain hyped this beer up, there was pretty much no way it could possibly live up to my expectations. With that in mind, I still enjoyed it. I think it could possibly have had a little more chocolate, but that's just me. I'd be willing to drink it again, given the opportunity.


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