Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blackbeary Wheat

Beer Name: Blackbeary Wheat
Brewery: Long Trail Brewing Company
ABV: 4%
Serving method: 12-oz bottle in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Bottled 11/01/10

Let's keep this thing going. Four beers in four days, even though I am secretly writing this a couple of days ago. It's like a time paradox!

Blackbeary Wheat is one of many fruit beers that I enjoy because I am secure in my masculinity. And because I can't call myself a beer connoisseur without being open to all beer varieties. This beer is a pale yellow color and sort of looks like one of those beers you would be drinking at a keg party. There is no noticeable head or lacing. The aroma of this beer is blackberry (obviously) and maybe some malt. Mostly it's berries though.

Much as expected, the dominant flavor here is blackberry. As a matter of fact, this beer would probably be terrible without it. There's also some grainy flavor, which is probably the "wheat" part of the name. It's a very light beer, with a little bit of carbonation and no real aftertaste. Combined with the low ABV, you could probably drink a dozen of these before you run into any problems.

Final thought - This beer is good at what it does, which is be refreshing. It's not a beer that I would be super excited about, but it does make a regular trip to the fridge during the warmer months. Overall, it's very average.


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