Sunday, July 22, 2012

Some Beers

For whatever reason, sometimes I drink a beer and don't have a chance to write anything about it.  Generally this is either because I have had many other beers before it, or will then consume many other beers after it. However, I think these beers need to still be recognized, so perhaps from time to time I will do a small writeup of the ones that didn't get the royal treatment. And then I will have a hard list of beers that need to be consumed again, only with a clearer mind.

Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale - If you enjoy the flavors of bourbon, then you'll probably enjoy this beer. It's a little thin in the mouth, but there's a big flavor of booze. It's 8.2%, but the bourbon tricks your brain into thinking it's even stronger. One bottle is nice, two is a good time, and three starts to get you into the danger zone. And not the one from Top Gun.

Olde 76 Strong Ale - This is, I believe, the flagship beer from Madison Brewing in VT. It's a pretty standard English-style beer, so it's malty and easy drinking. It pairs well with food, without any strong flavors to dominate the meal. I'd probably drink it again.

Wild Raspberry Ale - A fruit beer from Great Divide, this one is included in the category of "Fruit Beers I Enjoy." It's fruity enough to notice without being sticky, and that's what I'm in favor of when it comes to combining drinking and fruit. I don't know if I'd feel the same about drinking this one in the winter though, even if it is a year-round release. It feels summery to me.

Ruination - Stone does a lot of things well, and IPAs are probably at the top of that list. With a bunch of hops and a good maltiness to complement them, this beer is great. Unless you're a weenie who doesn't enjoy hops, in which case this beer will probably make you cry like a little baby. Expand your palette, weenie.

Audacious Apricot Ale - This beer should be getting its due soon, as I have a few in the fridge. It's ok, but there is a very noticeable sharpness or something to it. The apricot flavor works well, but something else is going on that I'm not a huge fan of. I'm going to experiment a little by letting it mellow for a bit with the next bottle and see if it makes any difference.


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