Monday, April 9, 2012

Dark Truth

Beer Name: Dark Truth Stout
Brewery: Boulevard Brewing Co.
ABV: 9.7%
Serving method: 12-oz bottle in a tumbler
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Best by 10/27/13

That is not a typo. The "best by" date on this 4-pack is more than 18 months away. Maybe I'll pick up another and cellar it until I turn 31. By then, I'll probably have forgotten about it, so it will be like a birthday present to myself.

Dark Truth is an imperial stout, and, as such, is a very dark beer. It's almost solid black, although there are very faint hints of light around the edges of the glass. It has about a finger of thin head that faded away after a bit, leaving some lacing that didn't survive the glass. The aroma has some sweet roasted malts, some deep fruitiness, and what seems like a little bit of spicy hops. It seems like there's a lot going on here.

This beer has a very big flavor. There's the roasted flavors from the malt along with some light sweet flavors that are a little bit fruity. It also has some bitterness to keep the malt from being too much. The alcohol is faintly noticeable, as you might expect for something this strong. At the end, there is a roasted aftertaste that hangs on for a bit, giving way to a sensation of sweetness.

Final thought - Under the right circumstances, this beer is delightful. That would be: while relaxing, after letting it warm up slightly, and when you have time to sit back and sip it slowly. This beer has a ton of flavors happening, and you don't want to rush through it. That, and it packs quite the punch. Drink with care.


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