Thursday, August 25, 2011

400 Pound Monkey

Beer Name: 400 Pound Monkey
Brewery: Left Hand Brewing Company
ABV: 6.8%
Serving method: 12-oz bottle in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on:

You might be wondering, and the answer is yes: I bought this beer strictly because of the name.

Left Hand's 400 Pound Monkey is an IPA, which isn't readily apparent from its name. It's a sort of cloudy golden color, but I was hoping that it was going to be brass colored so I could make references to the song "Brass Monkey." The beer poured with a half-inch head that faded fairly quickly but left a nice lacing behind. It's got a good hoppy aroma, but there seems to be a little bit of maltiness in the background.

For an IPA, this beer really dials back the hoppiness. I'm not about the suggest it to Kate since there is still a noticeable hop kick, but it's not as strong and in-your-face as many IPAs are these days. There's also a noticeable sweetness to it, which sort of sticks in your throat as you drink it. It's pretty carbonated, and it finishes with a cloying bitterness and sweet aftertaste.

Final thought - This beer is pretty good, and I would recommend it if you're the kind of person who likes a little bit of hops but doesn't usually enjoy IPAs. I like it, but I don't love it.


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