Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dead Guy Ale

Beer Name: Dead Guy Ale
Brewery: Rogue Brewery
ABV: 6.5%
Serving method: 12-oz bottle in a pilsner glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

Ok, so I looked up pilsner glass because I was pretty sure that's the type of glass I had, and there are a whole bunch of different shapes that call themselves "pilsner." That's just silly. At any rate, Alex and I went to Parish Cafe (where he is participating in a 100 beers in 180 days challenge) to watch the Sox and drink some beers, so this and the next 2 beers are from that drinking session even though they'll be posted on different days from when the actually occurred.

Rogue's Dead Guy Ale is a bronze colored beer, or possibly a deep copper. Mine was poured for me, and did not have any head. The aroma was a bit tough for me to pin down, but it seemed like it was dominated by malts. Not much lacing when I was done with this one.

This beer has a good flavor, and a whole bunch of carbonation. There's maltiness the whole way through, and maybe a little bit of caramel or something else sweet. It also has a sweet finish. Even with the high carbonation, this beer was easily drinkable. I don't often drink bocks, but maybe I should try them more often.

Final thought - I know that I'm supposed to really enjoy this beer because it's from Rogue and all the beer geeks love Rogue and won't say a bad thing about them. Well, I liked it, but I'm not about to go telling everyone I know that this is a must buy. You'll probably like it, but you might not. It's pretty good though, in my opinion. Which is what you're here for.


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