Saturday, April 9, 2011


Beer Name: Dragonslayer Imperial Stout
Brewery: Middle Ages Brewing Company
ABV: 9.5%
Serving method: 22-oz bottle in a pint glass
Born/Bottled/Shipped on: Unknown

This beer is called Dragonslayer. Was there really any doubt that it needed to be purchased? Unfortunately, there is almost no way that this beer can live up to the ridiculously high expectations I have for it. I am pretty sure that I'm expecting to be able to go out and kick a dragon's ass after I drink this, and there's really no way that's going to happen.

Dragonslayer is a solid black beer that pours with an incredibly thick head that sticks around for a while. At this point, it's been in the glass for about 3 minutes, and there is still a decent amount of foam there. There's also going to be a heavy amount of lacing. It looks like one of those fancy drinks you get at a coffee house. There is a coffee aroma along with a distinct scent of alcohol. This beer is going to be strong.

The flavor here is a little more bitter than I was expecting. There's a bitter coffee flavor along with the very-present alcohol. There also seems to be a little bit of chocolate in the background. And everything is sort of roasted. The beer is only lightly carbonated, which makes it very smooth to drink. The finish is bitter, but only has a slight aftertaste.

Final thought - Too much of an alcohol flavor here for me. Maybe it will mellow out if I let it sit a bit, but my first reaction is that this needs to be toned down a little. I feel like someone spiked my beer with a shot of vodka, and that's not a good thing.


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